Sunday, February 06, 2005 |
The Surrealism of Being a New England Fan |
Super Bowl Sunday is upon us and it doesn't really feel real.
I was on the street today walking to the corner store to grab some bacon for breakfast, wearing, of course, my Sox hat. As I passed someone on the street he smiled and mumbled, "Go Pats".
Go Pats indeed.
It's amazing that we're here again. New England fans, gathering around their various televisions sets all over the country, cheering their team in a championship game. The Red Sox World Series victory still hasn't really hit home yet, and now the Patriots are trying for their third SB title in four years.
Growing up in New England, the thing that is making me the most uncomfortable as a fan is the hype. New England teams are NEVER hyped. Well, unless you want to go back to the 60s Celtics teams. Every year our teams are continually given little respect. It's something you get used to. But today, the Pats are SUPPOSED to win. And that scares me.
It scares me because I'm still used to getting let down. And it scares me because I don't think it's going to be that easy. You've got two electric quarterbacks. Two ridiculously intelligent head coaches, and we're going up against the only other team that has a kicker even in the same LEAGUE as ours. In most other games AV has been our go to guy, our X factor. Today, the Eagles have one too.
It's probably one of the more evenly matched teams the Pats have come up against. Ironically it's the team we're SUPPOSED to beat. And don't get me wrong, I think they're going to. But I'm going to keep the Pepto close by anyway.
posted by FINY @ Sunday, February 06, 2005   |
Put the Pepto away finy. This game is an iron-clad lock. I hope the date went well and you didn't kick his ass too badly whilst bowling.
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Put the Pepto away finy. This game is an iron-clad lock. I hope the date went well and you didn't kick his ass too badly whilst bowling.