Sunday, January 02, 2005 |
100 Things |
THIS POST ACTUALLY WRITTEN ON 6/14. I just didn’t want it to take up my entire front page and I know too little about HTML to be able to code it so that it opened up in it’s own window.
This Post updated on 1/5/06
Ok so it seems like a blog requirement to have one of these. So here it goes.
100 Things About Me
1. I doubt I will be able to think of 100 things. I’ve updated this list. 2. Originally, I hail from Rhode Island. 3. In my teens I was a Braves fan. Wait, let me explain! We didn’t have NESN, and since Ted Turner owned the Braves and TBS I could see them every day. 4. I had jaw surgery when I was seventeen, and was wired shut for six weeks. When I go to hell in my hand basket, I am pretty sure this is what is waiting for me for the rest of eternity. 5. My favorite physical feature about myself is my eyes. 6. It's also what I notice first about the opposite sex. 7. I was accepted to every undergrad program I applied to. 8. Then rejected from every grad school I tried to get into. 9. My favorite color is purple. 10. There is a lilac bush right outside my childhood home (which my family still lives in). Now every time I see or smell lilacs, I get homesick. 11. My mom is my best friend in the world. 12. I am TERRIBLE at keeping in touch with people. I am getting better at keeping in touch with people. But it was forced on me since Zoe moved to London! 13. I love the smell of fresh cut grass. 14. After growing up in RI I could never live in a landlocked state. 15. I hate my thighs. I've recently made peace with my thighs. Not because they look any different, but because they're a part of me, might as well get used to them. 16. And my stomach. You would figure that after the above admission I'd have changed my tune about my stomach. But really? Not so much. I still hate my stomach. 17. I miss playing ball. 18. In college I once got hit with a hard hit grounder that took a funny hop. On the chin. I walked around for weeks afterward looking like I had a goatee. 19. I am terrible with money. I am getting better managing my finances. This too was sort of forced on me, but it's progress none the less. 20. I overanalyze everything. 21. I have psoriasis. 22. Because of which I have never been able to get a piercing or a tattoo. (but I am deathly afraid of needles so I guess it all works out ok) 23. I wear contact as I have terrible eye sight. 24. I am obsessed with live music of any kind. 25. I fall in love way too easily. Turns out that's not exactly true. I USED to fall in love way too easily. Now it scares the hell out of me and I fight it even while fully realizing that there’s no way to do so. 26. I hate confrontation of any kind. 27. I miss school. I loved learning. I am a dork. 28. I want to own a bookstore someday. 29. Singing the National Anthem at Fenway Park is a dream I've had since I was little. 30. Senior year in high school my choir sang on the Lincoln Center Stage. 31. Tim Wakefield is my favorite Sox player of all time. 32. I was born with six fingers on my left hand. 33. I never wear shorts. All summer I live in capris and skirts. 34. I love to ski, but I suck. This does not stop me from hurtling myself down harder trails than I can manage. What can I say, I love the adrenaline Oh-My-God-I-Am-Going-To-Die rush it gives me. 35. I make an ass out of myself on a daily basis. 36. I want to get married at Colt State Park in Bristol, RI. 37. I never go to church. 38. I make terrible dating decisions. I've DEFINITELY made progres son this in the past year. 39. I let how other people see me affect me too much. In the past year I've worked on this a lot. There were certain people in my life that I really let effect my self-image. It took me WAY too long to realize that was the case, but I do now, and I consciously make an effort not to let that happen anymore. 40. I was painfully self-conscious in high school. 41. I was also miserable but who wasn't? 42. I have a scar on my elbow from falling on the playground in middle school (the playground being basically just a cement basketball court) because Ms. Hayes wouldn’t let me go to the burse. 43. When I had chicken pox in 5th grade they became infected and I almost had to be hospitalized. 44. I once slapped my mother. It's a good story. She doesn't think so. 45. I have never had my own pet, save for the free fish I got at the fair that was only supposed to live for a few days and instead lasted a few YEARS. I have the most adorable kitten ever. Her name is Tessie. 46. I wish I could speak a foreign language. 47. I do not have a passport. 48. I'd rather be cold than hot (though that changes per the season) 49. I don't know how to flirt. 50. I LOVE to cuddle. 51. I hate running but love running sneakers. 52. I suffer from panic attacks. 53. I am afraid of heights. 54. Some days I feel so old. 55. Others, so young. 56. Sometimes I worry that the ex was my only chance to get married. I haven't thought that in ages now. 57. And then I realize him leaving was the best thing that ever happened to me. 58. I would love to be a college professor. 59. I've never driven across the country but always wanted to. 60. I'm lucky that I still have three grandparents around. 61. And lucky too that I knew the other until I was 23. 62. I was a jerk to my little brother when I was a kid. 63. I've been seriously slacking at work lately and now need to bust ass to catch up. I'm in a great place at work right now. There were points in the year that I was overwhlemed, but luckily that's behind me now. 64. I make up stories in my head about the lives of the people sitting around me on the subway. 65. My biggest pet-peeve is people who make a lot of noise when they chew. 66. My life will not be complete unless I get my PhD 67. Nicholson Baker is one of my favorite authors. 68. I want to BE Sarah Vowell. 69. My handwriting still looks like it did when I was 13. 70. I take ridiculously long showers. 71. I am an absolute slob when it comes to my room. 72. I like to feel like I am needed. 73. If I hear a song once I will know all the words forever. My choir director loved me for this. 74. I have met Tom Glavine. 75. The first and only car I ever bought was a bright teal Kia Rio. I had to turn around and sell it to my little brother 9 months later when I left Long Island. 76. I go out too much. 77. And drink too often. 78. My favorite color pen is blue. 79. My dad used to call me "wood Baby" because I hated to be changed and went all stiff whenever anyone tried. 80. I attribute my love of books and words to my parents reading to me every night. 81. Instead of sneaking out of my bedroom late at night to watch TV when I was a kid, I would bring a flashlight to bed with me and read under the covers until my mom caught me. 82. The DMB song "Best of What’s Around" will always make me smile no matter how bad things are. 83. I cry at movies. And if I know the movie and know a sad part is coming up soon, I will start crying even before the scene starts. 84. I think any woman who claims she doesn’t masturbate is lying. 85. I secretly read chick lit. 86. I value my alone time. 87. I should probably be seeing a therapist. 88. In the three years that I have lived in NYC I have fallen asleep on the subway and ended up in the middle of nowhere Brooklyn only twice. Both times were alcohol induced. Both times resulted in my throwing up on the platform. 89. In losing my anonymity the other day I may have lost a roommate and a friend. There is a theory that has been floated to me that this was my subconscious way of confrontation, which may be true, but either way it sucks and was stupid. I did lose a roommate, but not a friend. We may be very different people now, and nowhere near as close, and we may annoy the freaking shit out of each other, but you can’t erase 20 years of history. 90. I have never been to the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, or any other number of NYC landmarks. This makes me feel like a bad New Yorker. 91. I would love to live by myself but I am too poor. 92. I LOVE Broadway musicals. 93. Many people are afraid of the street I live on. 94. I know nothing about art but still love art museums. 95. Someday I want to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. After walking the Manhattan Bridge during the transit strike I DEFINITELY no longer have this aspiration. 96. Hearing DMB break into "Linus and Lucy" at the Worcester Centrum in December of 1999 is still one of the greatest concert moments I've witnessed. Just hearing it now makes me want to jump up and break into the Linus Dance. 97. I've become way more hooked on this blogging world than I ever thought I would. 98. I have a Simba stuffed animal that has been with me through everything. 99. I love the way rain smells. 100. I never thought I’d reach 100. Well, this time around I clearly knew I was going to make it!Labels: misc. |
posted by FINY @ Sunday, January 02, 2005   |
I love this!!!! I'm going to copy you. Let's take a cross-country trip together sometime (after we go to Japan and the Caribbean, heh heh).
and you wonder why i like you (despite the Sox non-fandom)...? you're like, interesting n stuff.
i like Wakefield. knuckleballers are a dying breed. maybe because they hate that moniker.
but really, i'd like to know more about the six fingers thing. six on one hand, or six total? 'splain! 'splain!
Hey the Sox have another knuckler coming up through their system right now ... Charlie Zink! Tell me that's not a great name for a knuckleball pitcher!
As for the 6 finger thing? ... perhaps they'll be a post about that someday :)
Six fingers, eh? Did I know that? Hmmm...
Ms. Haynes!! What a bitch she was! I had her for homeroom in fourth grade. I'd bet my salary that she is still alive bullying kids around.
Also, you forgot about when the neighborhood bully ran into to you from behind on your bike and you flipped over and scared the shit out of everyone until we got you to the hospital.
so u said you got accepted to every undergrad program, where did you end up going?
I ended up at Emerson College and got my BFA in Writing, Literature, and publishing. Best choice I ever made,
Colt State park in Bristol, that is a beautiful place and whats not to love about the town where RWU is.
Infinitely refreshing & fun blog, & you're great company @ Boston 212.
Just hopping through links and found your refreshingly well-written post. #81 hit home with me. I used to do the same. Blamed that on my poor eyesight (#23).
Or did I get that backwards? 23-result-of-81.
You're not a bad NY'er/a lot of the Natives don't go to a lot of landmarks. I've never been to Times Square @ Midnight, on New Year's Eve.
FINY: I am catching up on your blog, and I predict hours and hours of infotainment. I love the way you write! And you are living the dream up there in NYC!
And from reading your list, we have many, many things in common.
Except for #32.......
I think most New Yorkers haven't been to the Statute of Liberty. We just look at it on the S.I. ferry. You can't go inside it now, anyway. It can be fun to take out-of-town guests to the ESB, tho.
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I love this!!!! I'm going to copy you. Let's take a cross-country trip together sometime (after we go to Japan and the Caribbean, heh heh).