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    Friday, July 27, 2007
    My Name Is Zoom ...
    I've talked before about the song that my mother plays for me on my birthday each and every year. The song, which has lodged itself into a loop in my brain, was played yet again this morning, over the phone, as my family finished preparations for a weekend long trip down to NYC to help me celebrate my birthday.

    And after much searching, I finally found a youtube video in which the song can be heard. Which means I FINALLY know all the words. I literally try to find these every year, so this is a pretty big discovery for me. So of course, I clearly need to share them with all of you:

    All systems are go for your message to Finy

    Hey Finy, it's your birthday
    I'm in charge of the stars and I'm here to say
    Hey Finy, you're the big start, today!

    My name is Zoom and I live on the moon
    And I came down to earth just to sing you this tune
    Cause Finy, it's your birthday, today!

    A present for you I wanted to find,
    An outerspace creature, a one-of-a-kind,
    A wild wop or a kookoochoo
    An applethwop or a buzzardsnew
    Or maybe a three eyed tickleshnay
    For your birthday

    Did you ever ask, "Ah what's a kookoochoo?"
    Well up on the moon it's nothing new.
    But that won't do for you!
    On your birthday

    I've searched behind the clouds and stars
    I even Zoomed my bike to Mars
    And met my friend, the Saucer man
    And he said "Hey Zoom, I've got the bestest plan,
    What your friend needs, is something new!
    So how about a song, just from you!"

    And so tonight, when you're in bed
    I'll be singing to you as I zoom overhead
    Singing Finy, Happy Birthday
    Singing Finy, Happy Birthday
    Singing Finy, Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Finy, see you next yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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    posted by FINY @ Friday, July 27, 2007  
    • At 7/27/2007, Blogger Cope said…

      I had seen you mention it before but never realized it was the same record that I had as a kid. I'm gonna have that in MY head for the weekend as well.

    • At 7/27/2007, Blogger Ari said…

      Happy Birthday, Interesting Tune.

    • At 7/27/2007, Blogger Derek said…

      Happy birthday!!!

    • At 7/27/2007, Blogger East Coast Teacher said…

      Happy Birthday :)

    • At 7/28/2007, Blogger Carrie said…

      happy birthday, momma!!!

      hope it was a good start to a great birthday WEEKEND!!!

      down with the liver, I say!!!!

    • At 7/29/2007, Blogger Esther said…

      Happy Birthday, a little late. I meant to say something and send something yesterday, and clearly that didn't happen. Yes, I suck.

    • At 1/22/2008, Blogger Unknown said…

      Oh man. I had that record as a kid too. I had almost all the lyrics memorized, except for that middle part with all the nonsense-word creatures. I do remember that part, just not the words-- and I remember how there were weird sound effects accompanying each creature.

      I also remember that as a kid I would have much preferred a kookoochoo to some lame birthday song.

      And for the record-- I found this page when I was googling for something else... i.e. what's the origin of the cliché rap line "my name is [name] and I'm here to say...?"

    • At 12/19/2008, Blogger kit3286 said…

      can someone please contact me as to where to get this tape again from??

      i also had this as a child and would just love to get a newer copy..

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    Name: FINY
    Home: New York, New York, United States
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