Monday, July 23, 2007 |
Home Sweet Home |
It seems I always take these little blogging vacations around the same time of year. Summer is always when I'm busiest. I return after a visit from Cope, a trip to the banks of the St. Croix River (MN), and a weekend of birthday celebration (my party, not the actual day - that's not until the end of this week).
Since I've left you all, work has gone to hell (got to love transition periods), Cope and I decided against trying to continue the long distance thing, and the Sox have dropped a few games on the lead (we're still 7.5 up but still).
I've sat and tried to write about a multitude of things since I last posted, but everything has felt forced, not the least of which a post about my recent trip to MN. But having recently been shown up by a certain friend Coughcoughsteddycough who had also taken a blogging break, and having received questions from friends, family, and a coworker alike, it was clearly time to get back on the blogging horse.
So to follow shortly, a post that has little to do with anything other than the fact that I wrote it while I was sitting at the end of a dock while soaking up some sun while at Eddypolusa trying desperately to kick start myself back into the writing trend. And from here on out, well, no promises. August sees me in the Boston area twice and the Baltimore/DC area twice as well, so traveling abounds. But I'll do my best and leave it at that.Labels: blogging |
posted by FINY @ Monday, July 23, 2007   |
hey, if you ever end up out and about for drinks in DC next month, shoot me an email - i'd love to meet up and buy you a beer :)
i'll be back in boston for a bit next month as well - my reason, mainly, is to get the hell out of the district in august. so i kinda can't believe you're venturing in twice!
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hey, if you ever end up out and about for drinks in DC next month, shoot me an email - i'd love to meet up and buy you a beer :)
i'll be back in boston for a bit next month as well - my reason, mainly, is to get the hell out of the district in august. so i kinda can't believe you're venturing in twice!