Wednesday, June 06, 2007 |
My Mom Is Never Going To Believe This |
So, I went for a run today.
*pause so that anyone who knows me can get control of their laughter*
See, there's something I haven't been talking about around these parts, and that was mainly because, well, it's a topic most girls - hell most anyone - don't usually like to display for the world.
It's my weight.
Now, most of the people who have come to know me since I've moved to New York are currently staring at their computer screens as if I am crazy. I don't look overweight. I look - well, regular. But the truth is, back at the beginning of the year I weighed in at a good 25lbs over any weight I'd ever been, and what was worse, I felt gross.
And that, really, is the main issue. Weight has always been just a number to me. Hell, the times I weighed the most - when I was playing ball - was actually when I was healthiest. All my weight was muscle. But that was five years ago. Now? For a woman my height I am supposed to be weighing in at a max of 130. As of April 10 I was up to 152.
Now, to a lot of women 152 is not a problem, and I am, under NO circumstances, trying to say that I was anything resembling fat. I've got a perfectly fine self body image thankyouverymuch. But what was really bothering me was that I was starting to feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I kept thinking back to the days when I was in shape. How great it felt not to ache after walking around the city all day, or a trip to the batting cages.
So that's why I know what my EXACT weight was on April 10th. Seeing my weight creep above 150 was the final emotional straw. So on that day I decided to take some control. I joined weightwatchers online. Not being one for support-group style meetings, this seemed ideal. I mean, you're talking about a girl who used to eat McDonalds three times a week. I needed some SERIOUS food education.
And I'm happy to say that it's worked. So far. Since April I've lost ten pounds simply by starting to eat better (note I didn't say right I still have a LONG way to go for that). But that's not going to do it all on it's own. So a few weeks ago when MM ran her first 5K and I was standing at the finish-line to congratulate her, she decided to run another 5k sometime this fall. Only this time I would be running with her.
Problem is, I've always been a sprinter. It's why I loved softball more than soccer. Why cross-country was never really an option. Plus, I haven't exercised since, well, college. Oh, and I'm a smoker. Yeah this is going to go well. But with MM's encouragement and a little inspiration from reading Cope's newest book proposal, I started on this program.
We'll see how it goes. It's time to take my body back.Labels: self-improvement |
posted by FINY @ Wednesday, June 06, 2007   |
You can do it! :) I didn't start running until 2 years ago, and I am totally addicted now. Just start slow and build your way up. I find that it's good for me to use the online log at nikerunning.com, and to plan my runs ahead of time. Then I have to log back in and check off either "Completed" or "Missed." I hate seeing the "X" on the calendar if I miss a workout!
Good luck with your training! :)
Welcome to the cult, just be careful to not judge your progress by the number (a lot of people don't lose too much weight when they run). You will end up growing to love it, or at least love the way it makes you feel when you finish a run if you stick with it (and now I'll have a running buddy when I visit NY).
So what are we looking at? NYC Marathon '08?
Running is a great stress reliever for me - I love it, even if I am beginning to suspect that all that running on the treadmill is messing up my knees.
I've found that when it comes to exercising, you just have to force yourself to do it, knowing that the ends justify the means. Easier said than done, I realize, but still...
Docsquared: Oooh, I'll have to check that site out.
Cope: You've run a marathon, if you think for even a SECOND that I'm running with you, you're nuts. There's no way in hell. ;)
BEG: You know, I showed up for work today more relaxed than I've been in ages. And when I used to work out on the regular, it WAS a terrific stress relief. Just hoping I can get back to that. And it's going to DESTROY my ankles. I've sprained both at least twice a piece. The cartilige is basically gone. But hey, that's what braces are FOR right?
Braces work really well (I have them for my knees). I would suggest running somewhere that's more padded, like a track or on the dirt instead of concrete since that will hurt your ankles more.
I'm really proud of you!
YEAH, FINY!!! When I saw you last night you did seem thinner. (Which is weird, because you're already thin -- if I had to guess, I would guess you look 120.)
I'm so excited about you running -- and super extra excited about you eating better food! Yeah, veggies! (And beer.)
Funny story, my mom read this post and called to remind me that when I was little people who would go to pick me up were always shocked at how heavy I was. Apparently I've always been a very "dense" individual - I always look slimmer than I am! :)
You do not look that weight at all! Def continue with Weight Wacthers, I did it a couple of years ago and lost 25 lbs. (though I've got to start again becasue I gained 20 of it back...damn English pub food.)
when my life fell apart geez over 2 years ago now i finally decided this was something i needed to do as well.
your skin will grow on you soon and you'll love it. your skin i mean not the running.
fyi i still hate running, but i've finished a marathon and a million other tiny races. currently training for another 10 miler (the most i'll do anytime soon).
I can totally relate. last year I had the same thing. I had usually weighed in the 150-160 range but starting feeling tired more and just icky. At one point my dad made some comment about my weight so the next time i was around a scale, bam, 195. I had a grand plan of running more but didn't stick with it. instead I just gave up beer for whiskey diets and lost 25 lbs. I'm coining it the Slacker Diet.
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You can do it! :) I didn't start running until 2 years ago, and I am totally addicted now. Just start slow and build your way up. I find that it's good for me to use the online log at nikerunning.com, and to plan my runs ahead of time. Then I have to log back in and check off either "Completed" or "Missed." I hate seeing the "X" on the calendar if I miss a workout!
Good luck with your training! :)